Friday, March 23rd at 1:00pm
Le Petit Theatre Du Vieux Carre
Listen to the complete event here.The reading begins a few seconds into the recording.
Take a peek at the Tennessee Williams that only James Laughlin would have known—an intimate look through the lens of their personal letters to one another. In the new book, The Luck of Friendship: The Letters of Tennessee Williams and James Laughlin, edited by Peggy L. Fox and Thomas Keith we share the highs and lows of this incredibly prolific, urbane, highly social Williams not necessarily seen in works for which he is famous such as Glass Menagerie and Pulitzer Prize-winning Streetcar Named Desire. As a rare and special treat, here’s the personal memory of an evening with Williams from an interview with Peter Rogers, fellow transplanted New Orleanian, and very Southern Gentleman.
Christopher Kaminstein was the emcee.